
You Know Your End Game But Where to Start? 4 Steps To Find Your Starting Point


In my last blog, I wrote about goal setting and coming up with your end game. You may have decided that you want to be a millionaire and be out of the system in 5 years time (great goal to have), but you have no idea where you are at financially or what debt you have to pay off. This where you have to know your starting point so you can go from here to your end game.

Your starting point is where you find out exactly where you are. I’m not going to lie this was not easy for me to do. I didn’t want to do this; I had massive resistance to sitting down and doing the work and finding out where Mark and I were financially. For a long time I kept brushing it off and believe it was Mark’s job to know,  but I came to the realisation that if we wanted to get ahead and out of the hole we dug ourselves, I need to know to so we can work together as a team.

Here are the steps you need to take

1.  Put The Time In Your Calendar To Sit Down And Do It.

Yes, you will need to set time aside to get into this. You will probably need a few nights to complete the whole task and maybe sometime during the day to call any Government departments to find out what is left of a HECS Debt or any money you owe the government from businesses you have or making sure your tax return is up to date. Make sure you include any money you owe family and friends (especially clear these debts up first) You can negotiate terms and conditions with the government or business, but it’s a lot harder to repair trust with family and friends.

2.  Once You Know Your Starting Point  Make A budget.

Lot’s of people find a budget like a diet very restrictive. But like anything a budget can be freeing. You know what you can spend and what you can’t spend. It helps you change your thinking from a poverty mindset ( I don’t have enough) to a wow I had more than I expected. The other great thing about a budget is you know exactly what you are spending money on, and it’s easy to fix leaks very quickly and find out how much money you have left over for Investing.

3. The Budget Is Now Sorted: It’s Time To Implement It.

After going through all that work to get it done it’s time to apply it. It’s important that you get the people that your budget effects involved, in fact, get them involved from the beginning, so everyone has ownership over it. Make sure you explain the changes and take action immediately to implement it straight away. Take your family to the bank and you all open wealth accounts. Show your family the budget and put a copy on the fridge so everyone can see it. This way you will have a constant reminder to stick to it.

4. Review and Upgrade Every 90 days.

It’s paramount that your budget grows with you, your needs and wants will change, and your budget needs to change with you. Keep that in perspective as you grow your needs will change, and it’s important that you change with them or your budget will become stifling, and you’ll blow it because you didn’t upgrade it.


That is all there is to it. Start a spreadsheet, list all your expenses work out what is left over and invest it. Knowing your starting point will make your End Game so much easier to meet.



Billie Robinson









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