
Are you an enemy agent at war with your goals?

I’m seeing a lot of self-sabotage going on around me lately. If life were a mirror (just saying) the reflection would suggest maybe I could take a look and see where I’m sabotaging myself and my goals. So I’m taking a look, however it’s honestly not just me, I’m seeing it everywhere so in order […]

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Why women are the answer to your wealth

When it comes to finances men need to step aside and let the woman of the house take over. Pfft…just kidding, no woman should ever be in charge of the finances. For that matter, no man should either.   I’m not sure who was in charge when I was growing up as money was never […]

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Why saving for your retirement is costing you wealth now

Why the wealthy refuse to save for their retirement. Saving for your retirement is the biggest mistake keeping you from becoming wealthy. The working class is taught to save for their retirement while the wealthy invest for their financial freedom.  What I mean by this is, the working class will save their hard earned money […]

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Case Study Peter and Ida

Peter and Ida have worked their entire life in “The System” and worked hard as that was all they knew. This couple, who are now in their 60’s, were facing a lifestyle that was Ok, but quite frankly not what they wanted. Just after they started working with us Peter had a heart attack after […]

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